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Matthew 10:36 and How it Pertains to All People!!

Matthew 10:36 and How it Pertains to All People!!
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins January 31, 2020
        Praise The Lord Saints!! Praise The Lord!! How are all of you doing tonight?  Fine, I hope.  I would like to start things off by asking everyone a very important question.  What does Matthew 10:36 really mean to all of us?  The answer is simple.  A Man’s enemies will be those of his own household.  What is the definition of the word foe?  A foe is a chief or principle enemy.  This can become in a form of principalities, powers, and demonic spirits. 

Therefore, I want to inform all of you that I am powerless over people, places, and things.  However, when it comes to the institution of the family, things can breakdown very easily.  There can be disagreements over comments and other issues.  It is that the very first family in the Bible was Adam and Eve.  They had two children named Cain and Abel.  I am focusing on these two individuals because God favored one over the other.  Eventually, Cain killed Abel over the simple fact that Abel was favored by God. 
Next, I want to inform all of you that in my family, I had 5 brothers and 3 sisters.  My mother had me out of wedlock.     I am saying this because my siblings and I do not get along with each other.  I want to say that it is not very easy to have brothers and sisters by different parents.  My Father’s name is Joseph Webb.  He was married at the time that I was conceived.  My mother made a conscious decision to take me to my grandmother’s house because she suffered from Post-Partum Depression.  I ended up staying with my grandparents for the first seven years of my life.
Further, I can relate with this Bible verse because all of our hairs on top of our head are all numbered.  When it comes to the subject at hand, I was subjected to having my name changed to Anthony Joseph Russell.  This is simply because my mother got married as soon as my sister was born.  My mother did this out of false pretense.  I did not understand why my mother had changed my name just to affiliate with a man.  That does not make any sense.  To me personally, I attended Edison Elementary School in Dayton, Ohio from 1971 -1976.  My mother changed my name to appease her husband Mr. Willie Andrew Russell Sr.
Moreover, I want to inform all of you that my mother had 8 consecutive children by Willie Andrew Russell Sr. This has taken place from 1967 to 1980.  I am simply saying all of this because this man tried his best to kill me by putting my head inside of a very hot stove back on May 30, 1972.  I will admit that I was staying with my mother at the time.  I came home from school hungry and I decided to get something to eat.  This man grabbed me and slapped me a few times on my face.  He put my head inside of a hot stove because he did not know how to properly discipline children.  He was not my father in the first place. 
In Addition, I want to say that this man was very abusive both physically and verbally.  My mother shot him at the time because what he had done to me.  My half siblings and I really do not get along because we have never learned how to really relate well with one another.  I also will admit that I became the Man of The House at the time because my mother and stepfather used to leave the house for a long period of time.  I also understand that I am not supposed to say things that are against God in any way.  This means that God is taking an account of what we actually say out of our mouths.  We will be held accountable for our actions.
Finally, this is the reason why I do not believe in men and women having children out of wedlock to begin with.  Anytime that men and women get together, it is best to start things off by being friends; instead of having sex with each other.  This is simply because it makes things worse.  When it comes to Matthew 10:36, my own family members and I do not get along with each other.  I know that this pertains to those who live inside of our household.  I know that it is not very easy for me to really relate well with people who are very contentious.
In Conclusion, I know that when I was a child, I stayed with my grandparents for safety sake.  This is simply because I was around someone who really did not like me as a person.  My baby brothers and I relate a whole lot better than the middle children.  I can really say that: there is also a lot of division inside of all of the members of the family.  There is also a lot of use of vulgarity and a lack of love in the first place.  My family members tend to group with one another and forsake those who are older than them.
        In Summary, I want to inform all of you that I am in serious need of all of your prayers.  This is simply because there are members of my family, who are really against me personally.  Matthew 10:36 is very serious to me because I am not accustomed to drama.  I cannot stand anyone who goes against the truth.  I am not supposed to fellowship with darkness in any form.   
Even when it has a whole lot to do with this world.  Favoritism also exist in my own family.  This is a complete shame.  Favoritism also goes against God’s principles.  My family members really choose these things.  I am saying all of this because I am not used to this form of behavior.  Please pray for me and the rest of my family.  Thank You very much!!


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