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Is It True That We Are Supposed To Think Before We Act?

Is It True That We are Supposed to Think Before We Act?
Praise The Lord Everyone!!  I have a very important question to ask all of you.  Is it true that we are supposed to think before we act?  The answer to this question is yes.  I know that all of us have our personal storms that we are going through in our lives.  I realize that my way of thinking has changed for the better.  For Example, I ponder in advance before I do anything in life. 

        Next, I want to inform all of you that I have the Holy Spirit inside of me.  This means that God has all of us in check!!  I am a type of person who is quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  This means that I am supposed to hear what the next person is saying.

 I am supposed to wait for the inner voice of the Lord to communicate with me.  I must be slow to speak because I am supposed to think about what the Holy Spirit is saying to me.  However, I am a person who will meditate on my issues in advance before I act out in any way. 

        Further, I want to say that this Bible verse in Proverbs 15:1 makes me really think about some of the situations that I used to be a very angry person inside.  From 1972 until 1990, I used to have a lot of inside anger.  Whereas, right now, I have changed my whole outlook on life.  My personal outlook on life has a lot to do with the plans that God has for me.  I really watch my words a whole lot because I do not want to get into trouble anymore.

        Moreover, are we supposed to think before we act all of the time?  The answer is yes.  I am saying yes because there are certain people who do not think about their actions before acting on them.  I know for me, I am very humble in my spirit.  Do ye not know that your temple is the living God and the Holy Spirit is inside of you?  The Holy Spirit has been inside of me all of my life.  I know that my attitude and my actions are different.  An attitude is a state of mind or a particular feeling. 
        In Addition, I want to say that my life belongs to Jesus Christ right now.  I am saying this because it is Jesus Christ who is doing for me; more than I am doing for myself.   I say that we are supposed to think before we act all of the time.  At least for me, it will keep me out of trouble.  I love the Lord because he has never stopped loving me.  I will admit that I love everyone because all of us are Children of God.  My parents used to tell me to always follow the Lord. 
Also, I want to say that we are always supposed to think before we act because it is God’s Way of slowing all of us down during our personal conflicts.  I know for me personally, I thank Him every single day when I get up in the morning, afternoon, and at night.  1st Thessalonians 5:17 says Pray without ceasing!!  I pray every single day for deliverance.  I pray for peace, and healing for all people.  I want to inform all of you that God has been blessing me for many years now.  This is because I ask God to reside with me every single day.
        Finally, I want to say that I have to think about the things in the same way that Jesus Christ has done.  I have to imitate the behavior of Our Savior Jesus Christ.  I know that celebrating the New Year is a pagan holiday.  I also know that during the time that before my ancestors were officially free inside of the United States during slavery, the slaves attended church for watch services.  The miracle has happened when President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves during the Emancipation of Proclaimation Speech on January 1, 1863.  The slaves in certain Southern States were freed.

        In Conclusion, I want to say that my way of thinking has completely changed for the better.  I am very happy that I have Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior right now.  My spirit is overjoyed.  I really have to apologize to my family members for the things that I have done wrong to them.  Do you have to think before you act?  Yes, my way of thinking has changed for the better.  The Lord is on my side right now.  When God is for you, who can be against you?  What is the definition of the word think mean?  The definition of the word think is have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something. "she thought that nothing would be the same again" direct one's mind toward someone or something; use one's mind actively to form connected ideas.
"he was thinking about Colin"
1.  an act of thinking.
"I went for a walk to have a think"


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