Why People are the way
they are?
Good Day Everyone!! I have a very
important question to ask all of you.
Why People are the way they are today?
The answer is the times are changing.
I am beginning to realize that we live in a changing society. For Example, people who comes from
dysfunctional families go through changes more than others who come from non-dysfunctional
families. I understand that our
personalities are formed while we are inside of the womb of our mothers.
Next, I want to say that my life has
changed dramatically because I am thinking for myself. Today, one of my family members got very
unhappy with me because I did not call her on a daily basis. Why people are the way they are is because of
a shift in behavior, and authority. I am
saying all of this is because I have been taking 24 prescription medications,
and I have been sleeping a whole lot. I
take a medication called Ativan, and this medication makes a person very tired
and sluggish.
Further, I want to say that our expectations
have changed. He who is without sin,
cast the first stone. This is a Bible
verse that has a lot of meaning. Why are
people acting the way they are is because of a changing society. For Instance, our problems tend to get the
best of us. Why people are behaving in a
way that is different than the average person, has a lot to do with the
violence that occurs inside of our society.
I know that for me, I ask God to follow me everywhere I go. I ask the Lord to help those who are worse
off than me.
Moreover, why are people the way they
are is simply because of our tremendous burdens that we carry for ourselves? I know that our communities are
changing. People are changing. Feelings are changing. I will admit that I used to carry a lot of
burdens on myself. God has been
responsible for changing behaviorally for the better. The Lord loves all of us. We just need to cast our burdens.
Finally, I am asking this question
again. Why people are the way they
are? I really do not know, but I can say
that we are living in the very last days right now. I was at Church yesterday, and the teenagers
were being very disruptive during the service.
The teenagers were acting the fool while the Preacher was expressing the
sermon. On a personal note, I do not
have any children. In a way; I am glad
that I do not have any children because of a football injury that I sustained during
the time that I was a teenager. I was
speared and tackled after I caught the football during a game.
In Conclusion, I do not have anything
right now to show for myself but a college education. I am happy that I have earned my education
right now because I am able to do anything through Christ that strengthens me. Why are people acting the way they are right
now. It is simply because our children
have too many expectations inside of their households.
22:6 says train up a child in a way they should go, when they get old, they
will not depart from it. I am glad that I
have been raised to attend church on a regular basis. It is that God has not found a suitable
female for me to get married. I will
admit that I have been rebellious in my teenage years. I have changed immediately after I have asked
the Lord to remove the desire to drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. I prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ on
Wednesday May 2, 1990 to change me for the better. I am happy that my personality has changed
because I do not have a desire to argue, and use vulgarity anymore.
In Summary, why people are the way
they are? The answer is inside of our
behavior and personality. Do you know
that God can change anyone as long as you are serious enough? God has changed me because I wanted Him to change
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