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Why are people behaving the way they are today?

Why People are behaving the Way They Are Today?
          Good Evening Everyone!! How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I have a very important question to ask all of you.  Why People are behaving the way they are today?  The answer to this question has been prophesized a very long time ago.  I have to come to the realization that whenever I read 2nd Timothy, I have to understand that these are the things that are going on today. 

          Next, I want to say that this is very serious.  I have come to a realization that we are living in the very Last Days inside of the Bible.  I am staying in prayer for the rest of my life.  I have to continue to pray for everyone who are living inside of perilous times right now.  You know something, the love that I received a long time ago does not exist anymore.  I guess everyone is worried about themselves.  I want to say this because even in families, there is a Bible verse that states in Matthew 10:36 A man’s enemies will be those of his own household.  I am saying this is because other people are not paying you attention. 
          Further, I have another question to ask all of you.  Why are we going through difficult times today?  I am being optimistic in spite of all of these difficult times.  I remember back in 2004 on November 4, 2004 when I received a phone call from my family.  It made me cry inside because someone that I know killed his own brother.  I know that I might have problems inside of my family, but it would not cause me to commit an act of violence towards my own family.  I am mention this as an example of an event that has taken place inside of my hometown of Dayton, Ohio. 

          Moreover, I want to say this because it really hurts me to hear about something happening bad to someone else that I know.  I want to also say that we are living in the very Last Days.  We have always surpassed the End of Times inside of the Book of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  To be perfectly frank with all of you, both events are occurring at the same time.  At least I thought that the end of times have passed on.  The times are so treacherous that I do not go outside in public very much.  It is not that I am very apprehensive.  I am very concerned about everyone that I know personally.  I am also concerned about all of my family members and friends.
          In Addition, I want to say that I really feel very sad because everything that is taking place right now is simply because of expectations and uncertainty in our personal lives.  I want to say something right now.  I will be glad when Jesus Christ comes to the earth again.  I would like to see Him for myself.  I know that He is with me all of the time. 
          Why People are behaving the way they are today?  I really do not have a concrete answer for this question, but I can say that I am contend about the things that I have.  I read the Bible every single day, and the Word of God talks to me.  I want to say that the Old Testament has a lot of Bible verses that are spiritually uplifting to me.  I am embracing God’s Word and His vision for my life.  I want to keep on saying that God Loves You!!  I guess I have to continue to read God’s Word for the answers to my questions about society as a whole. 
          Finally, I want to say that God will never leave you nor forsake you.  I know that this is the end of the earth right now.  It is just a matter of time when things are going to change drastically.  It is very dangerous when feelings have you.  I am concerned about everyone right now.  I am a very compassionate person.  I am a person who has a lot of common sense.  Jesus cares about how we all feel.  I understand that some of the things that I am currently going through is only a test.  I am very happy that God cares about me.  This is the reason why I am writing for the Lord because I know that I can get a job as a writer or any other job that I am qualified.  The Lord knows my feelings.  God cares about how I feel.  I am asking these questions because I would like to start a dialogue with anyone because I am supposed to caste all of my cares upon the Lord; for He cares for you.  
          In Conclusion, I want to say that this is our very last chance to get right with God.  I am happy right now that God cares about me.  If your heart cries, God know it.  I am asking these very important questions just to start a dialogue with everyone else about our societal problems.  I am very concerned about the amount of violence that are occurring inside of our communities.  I might not have a lot materially and financially right now, but God has my back!!

 God is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.  Please pray for me and myself.  I am worshipping God right now because I am cleansing my heart.  The pure in heart shall see God.  I love all of you very much because the Word of God that we have as a Book to read each day.  We must give up what we have in mind.  God has something better in mind for our heart.  All of us should ask God one question.  Lord Jesus, What Do You Want In My Life?  If you believe on me, out of your belly should flow again.  I love all of you very much!!  I love all of you so much that I want everyone spend time with Jesus Christ.


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