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Matthew 21:22 And What It Means To All People?

Matthew 21:22 And What It Means To All People?
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins
Good Day Everyone!! How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I would like to ask everyone a question.  What does Matthew 21:22 Mean?  The answer is as follows: If there is anything that we ask for in prayer, believing ye shall receive.  I truly believe this Bible verse because it enables me to ask God for whatever I want in prayer.

          Next, I am faithful to the Lord, and He has blessed me.  I want to say that God is working in my life for the past few years now.  Thank You God that you shall be exalted throughout the earth.  What I am actually doing right now is lining up my thinking with God’s thinking.  I know that I still have a long way to go in my journey with Christ Jesus.  I will admit that I have a lot to prayer needs right now. 
          Further, I want to say that all of my prayers have been answered.  For Example, I ask God to please help me with my college education.  I even had all of my Instructors at the University of Toledo to pray for me because at one point in my life, I was getting frustrated with my coursework.  Something told me to hang in there!! I kept hearing hang in there by everyone that I know in College.  I believed it!! I want to inform everyone that I was in a Spiritual battle between Satan and his angels.
 One of the reasons why I graduated twice from the University of Toledo is because of my faith in God.  I know that I admitted to using vulgarity during class.  This had taken place during my first three years of College.  I was angry and frustrated because the coursework was difficult.  I did not give up because other people were praying for me; when I was not praying myself.  The Lord has been working inside of me for the past 26 years.  I know that I had a street mentality at one point in my life.  Currently, I am doing great right now because I do not use vulgarity anymore.
Moreover, I have changed behaviorally for the past 9 years. For Instance, I do not drink alcohol anymore. I do not smoke marijuana anymore.  I do not smoke cigarettes anymore.  I prayed on Wednesday May 2, 1990 to God to please remove the desire for me to drink alcohol and smoking marijuana.  I have been clean and sober for 29 and a half years now.  I am so happy that I do not engage in any street activities anymore.  I have not dealt with female harlots anymore.  I am more responsible with my money right now that I have been able to pay for all of my manuscripts to get copyrighted.

          I am happier right now than I have ever been before.  I am a person who has a lot of faith in God and Jesus Christ.  I am sincere and respectful to other people.  I am always confident in my life right now.  I pray every single day.  I truly believe in the Power of God!!  I want to inform all of you that I am paying my tithes and offerings to my Church.  I am giving God priority in my life right now.  I have faith in the Lord each and every single day of my life.  Another Example, is when I was at Church a couple of days ago, I was eating dinner during that time.  The Holy Spirit told me to go upstairs and get something to drink because I was choking off of the food that I was eating.  I felt better because if I did not hear God’s Voice, I would have choked to death.

          Finally, I want to say that I am hearing God’s Voice right now.  I used to hear voices of fallen angels for 10 years.  I have the Holy Spirit inside of me.  I feel great right now.  I am reading the Word of God right now.  I am attending Church on a regular basis.  I do not use vulgarity anymore because I asked The Lord Jesus Christ to change me from the inside out.  I also asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come into my life and dwell inside of me forever.  I feel like a brand new person.  I have Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of my life dwelling inside of me.


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