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The Meaning of Colossians 3:9-10

The Meaning of Colossians 3:9-10
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins

          Good Day Everyone!! How are all of you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I want to inform all of you that I am still a Work in Progress!!  I want to begin this essay off by saying that I love all of you very much.  I have a question to ask all of you.  Could someone please tell me whether making this complete change is related to our behavior and conduct?  It is very true that we are not supposed to lie to each other.  I want to know how you put off the old sinful nature to a new man.  For me personally, I am still learning about the Bible.
 I want everyone to know that this change is going to take a very long time.  This is a complete change in our overall behavior.  We have to learn how to a new creature in Christ Jesus.  I know that I had to take anger management in the past.  I used to have a problem with myself and with others.  My disposition has changed tremendously since becoming new again.  I am learning how to be perfect when it comes to the new man that the Book of Colossians is talking about.
Next, I want to inform all of you that I had to completely eliminate all of my secular music from my Mp3 Player.  I have sermons and worship music on it right now.  I also want to inform all of you that I have a mental illness.  I was only drowning out the voices that I was hearing.  These voices use vulgarity on a daily basis.  This is the reason why I am willing to allow Jesus to literally enter my heart and mind.  I need a complete makeover.  I want to inform all of you that I am praying and fasting right now.  I have not eaten anything since yesterday.  I know that this might sound radical in nature, but I am trying to fast in the same way that Jesus Christ did.

Also, I want to place emphasis on the Old Man for a change.  I want to say to everyone that the old me was a lustful and very carnal person.  I want to say that even though I attended church, I was affiliated with lewd women.  I have spent too much money on sex and pleasure.  I used to be an alcoholic.  I was drinking and smoking marijuana.  I did this just to cover up my emotions.  I really need all of your prayers because I want this old man of myself to be completely out of my life.  I do not want to go back into the world.  Even though I live inside of the world, I have to change my behavior.
In Addition, I want to say that the new man will be discussed right now.  The new man is Christ-like.  The new man that is inside of me is a very gentle person.  I will admit that I have changed for the better because I have been clean and sober for 29 years now.  The new person inside of me attends church on a regular basis.  The new person inside of me reads the Bible and pray every single day of the week. 
The new person inside of me is waiting for Jesus Christ to come back.  I know that Jesus Christ can completely heal me from all of my health problems.  Every time I hear worship songs, it makes me cry inside.  I can bear to see the man that I have been.  You know something, my neighbors inside of my apartment building have been talking about me.  I will admit that I used to be a hoarder.  Whenever, I feel sad and depressed, I do not eat anything.  There was a period of time that I used to neglect myself.  Currently, I want to hear God’s Voice.  I also will admit that I have been responding to internal stimuli. 
          I am trying my very best to change from the inside out.  It is that; I have been responding to internal stimuli for almost 10 years now.  The voices that are inside of my head always putting me down every single day.  This is the reason why I attend Church on a regular basis as well as AA Meetings.  God is working inside of me indirectly. 
I know this because He gives me the instructions that Job 33:14-16 states.  I have been reading the entire Bible and meditating on God’s Word.  God does speaks to all of us, even while we are sleeping.  This is the truth because it enables me to maintain a positive attitude.  I will admit that I am a very emotional person.  What I am doing right now is setting my mind on things above rather than on earth.  This is the reason why Jesus has revealed Himself to me in many ways.  It is that I am thirsty for the Living Water from Jesus Christ.  When it comes to the new man, it requires a complete change in conduct and behavior.  The friends that I used to have, I no longer hang around them.  The truth is: I feel much better right now than I did 10 years ago.  I do not harbor resentments like I used to.  I do not dwell on the past, unlike my siblings.  I feel much better right now because I know that God is watching over me.  God is also counting my steps.  I feel much better because I am losing weight.  I used to weigh 310 pounds.  I weigh 279 pounds right now.  I tend to meditate a whole lot.  I also read the Bible out loud because I want God to talk to me. 


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