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Proverbs 23:7 And What This Really Means to all People?

Proverbs 23:7 And What This Really Means to all People?
        Good Day Everyone!! How are you doing today? Fine, I hope.  I would like to start things off by saying that Proverbs 23:7: Says; for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee: but his heart is not with thee.

 This means that if a person, who possess a negative attitude and thoughts inside of his or her heart it usually defines them.  However, this is not the case with all people, but there are a few, who possess a negative attitude all of the time.  In my case, I remember when I used to be a pugnacious person growing up in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio.  I also was raised inside of a dysfunctional family household.  Even though, my grandparents, mother, and stepfather made me attend church, but it did not change my attitude.
The definition of the word attitude is a state of mind or a particular feeling.  My feelings as a child and an early adult male did not change until I was incarcerated for a period of time.  Next, I have had a lot of resentments towards my ex-wife as well as others that I know.  Whatever a man thinks inside of his heart, usually defines his character.  There are some people, who would carry their burdens with them to the grave.
Further, things changed as soon as I completed the 12 Steps.  I know that I had to write down all of my ill feelings on a sheet of paper.  I started with myself because I had a problem with myself.  The reason why is because I was using vulgarity all of the time.  I was using vulgarity when I was 7 years old.  This is because my mother and stepfather were alcoholics.  They were dispensing cuss words at each other for a period of 9 years.  As I recall, my mother shot my stepfather when I was 7 years old.

Moreover, I used to be so angry that I used to cry all of the time.  My school peers used to beat me up for 7 years.  This is until I started boxing at the Salvation Army in Downtown Dayton, Ohio.  I was 14 years old when I started boxing.  I have taken all of my angry feelings on my opponents.  In Addition, I also became a street gang member at an early age as well.  My mother sold her shotgun just to get me a membership at the YMCA.  I played basketball for 4 years.
Honestly, I prayed to God when I was in jail because I did not want to possess a negative attitude.  I went to jail a total of 27 times within the past 22 years.  As soon as I was incarcerated, I got into several fist fights with correction officers and other inmates in North Carolina.  I will admit that I have changed a whole lot since 1997.  On July 15, 1997, I was in jail for a week for committing a reckless assault charge at the Men’s Uptown Shelter.  This person called me out of my name.
Also, I was remanded to court ordered anger management by the Mecklenburg County Common Pleas Courts as well as the Dayton Montgomery County Probate Court for non-compliance.  The judge at the time did not like me because I was just as educated as he was.  I served a total of 3 years of probation for committing 2 counts of communications of threats.  The charges were later dropped because I was only asking for prayer.

Furthermore, I want to say that when people curse at me, I usually swing on them.  Currently, I have learned to walk away.  This is the reason why all of my relationships with women were not successful.  I was looking at porn, while I was involved in my relationships.  The biggest problem is that I used to have is a very impulsive behavior.  I am more reactive; rather than proactive.  I guess this is the reason why I have an “I can do bad by myself!” attitude.
Whenever, I get upset with anyone, I usually pray to God because I do not want to get into trouble.  It is a shame when Law Enforcement know me in 3 states.  For instance, Ohio, North Carolina, and Michigan; members of Law Enforcement in these states know me personally.  My record does not exist anymore because I have completed probation and anger management for 3 years.  When it comes to the Bible verse at hand, I will have to say that God knows me more than mankind.  Man can only form an opinion about me.  I have learned over the years to grown spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.  As far as eating and drinking are concerned, I no longer have a desire to drink alcohol in excess as well as smoking marijuana.
It is that eating and drinking can be done in excess as well as gluttony.  There is a period of time when I am angry or upset, I do not eat or drink anything.  I have lost a lot of weight this year by drinking fluids.  I am beginning to realize that it only takes one thought that could lead to a possible relapse.  This is all it takes is one thought, and you will be off to the races all over again in active addiction. 
Before that takes place, I have sense to call my AA Sponsor and talk to him about my concerns.  I have a network of friends, who are in recovery that I can talk to all of the time.  I will also admit that I always have a positive attitude every day of the week.  My heart and mind has been pure for over 4 years now.  I am a brand new creature in Christ Jesus.  I have been clean and sober from alcohol and marijuana for the past 29 years now.  My mother was very proud of me when I became clean and sober. 

Finally, I want to say that I love all of you very much.  My disposition has changed dramatically since February 15, 2015.  I am sharing God’s message with everyone.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers because I suffer from multiple health problems.


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