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Showing posts from August, 2019

You Cannot Stop The Rain

You cannot stop the rain!!         Hello, Everyone!! How are you doing today?   Fine, I hope.   I want to inform all of you that I am writing about the subject called: You cannot stop the rain.   Colossians 3:25 says in the King James Version; but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.   You cannot stop the rain is a metaphor.   A metaphor is an implied comparison.         This has a whole lot to do with the judgment that we are about to receive in the near future.   First, I want to say that I am guilty of using foul language towards others.   I am guilty of committing crimes as well.   We are not saints.   The point is that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines.           This means that I am relying on a power that is greater than myself, which ...

The Meaning of James 5:19-20 and How it applies to others.

The Meaning of James 5:19-20, and how it applies to others.         First, I want to say that I have been losing friends as of late simply because of what I have been writing lately.   I sure did not realize that what is inside of the Bible really offends others.   There are certain subjects that I am trying to discuss with the general public, and suddenly I end of getting the worse end of things.         Second, I would like to expound on the meaning of James 5:19-20.   I want to inform all of you that if anyone of my fellow colleagues and family members err from the truth, I am supposed to help them in a spirit of gentleness.   However, I have to say that we all sin.   There are times when I get hurt in one way or another.   I want to be frank that I am supposed to help everyone that is in need.   I try not to get tripped up in any way by others.   It is that I...

Job 33:14-16 and What it means to all people.

Job 33:14-16 And What It Means To All People!!         Job’s Interpretation is very simple and easy.   It is apparent to all of us that God may speak in one way or another, and we are not aware of it.   Sometimes, it in my case, I will admit that I have been going to bed angry because of what has happen earlier during the day.   It hurts me to have these feelings stored inside of my conscious mind.   There are times when things, such as depression that prevents some people from hearing God’s voice.         This is the reason why God is working indirectly with me because I have been hearing voices that are not the Holy Spirit.   This is simply because a certain person, or a group of people were responsible for hurting me in some kind of way.   In my dreams, I have been hearing voices of men and women, who scammed me out of a large sum of money.   My instructions are positi...

What does the Bible Say About Being Transparent?

What Does The Bible Say About Being Transparent?         Good Day Everyone!! How are you doing today?   Fine, I hope.   What does the Bible say about being transparent? Let’s look up the definition of the word transparent.   The definition of the word transparent means allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen. "Transparent blue water" synonyms: see-through ,  clear ,  translucent ,  pellucid , crystal clear,  crystalline ,  limpid ,  glassy , glasslike,  liquid ;  More ·          Easy to perceive or detect. "The residents will see through any transparent attempt to buy their votes" synonyms: obvious ,  explicit ,  unambiguous ,  unequivocal ,  clear ,  lucid ,  straightforward ,  plain , (as) plain as the...

Does The Living Creatures of the World Represent The Nations?

Does The Creatures of the Earth Represent The Nations of The World?           Good Day Everyone!! I have a very important question to ask all of you.   Does the creatures of the earth represent the Nations of the World?   I am asking this question because each animal has distinct characteristics and abilities.   However, I have always wondered whether this question can be answered by common people?   I would like for someone to please explain to me and the rest of the world that each creature represent the Nations of the Industrialized World.           First, I have a picture of an Owl and I would like to know what does all of this mean?   I know that each creature has distinct features that are very interesting to mankind.   I want to know what is interesting about the Owl that it is one of the living creatures of the world.   What Nation is represent...