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The Potter's Hand!!

The Potter’s Hand
16 You have everything backward! Should the potter be thought of as clay? Should what is made say of its maker, "He didn't make me"? Should what is shaped say of the one who shaped it, "He doesn't understand"?
8 But now, LORD, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. All of us are the work of your hand.
1 Jeremiah received the LORD's word: 2 Go down to the potter's house, and I'll give you instructions about what to do there. 3 So I went down to the potter's house; he was working on the potter's wheel. 4 But the piece he was making was flawed while still in his hands, so the potter started on another, as seemed best to him. 5 Then the LORD's word came to me: 6 House of Israel, can't I deal with you like this potter, declares the LORD? Like clay in the potter's hand, so are you in mine, house of Israel! 7 At any time I may announce that I will dig up, pull down, and destroy a nation or kingdom; 8 but if that nation I warned turns from its evil, then I'll relent and not carry out the harm I intended for it. 9 At the same time, I may announce that I will build and plant a nation or kingdom;

14 So what are we going to say? Isn't this unfair on God's part? Absolutely not! 15 He says to Moses, I'll have mercy on whomever I choose to have mercy, and I'll show compassion to whomever I choose to show compassion. 16 So then, it doesn't depend on a person's desire or effort. It depends entirely on God, who shows mercy. 17 Scripture says to Pharaoh, I have put you in this position for this very thing: so I can show my power in you and so that my name can be spread through the entire earth. 18 So then, God has mercy on whomever he wants to, but he makes resistant whomever he wants to. 19 So you are going to say to me, "Then why does he still blame people? Who has ever resisted his will?" 20 You are only a human being. Who do you think you are to talk back to God? Does the clay say to the potter, "Why did you make me like this?" 21 Doesn't the potter have the power over the clay to make one pot for special purposes and another for garbage from the same lump of clay? 22 What if God very patiently puts up with pots made for wrath that were designed for destruction, because he wanted to show his wrath and to make his power known? 23 What if he did this to make the wealth of his glory known toward pots made for mercy, which he prepared in advance for glory? 24 We are the ones God has called. We don't come only from the Jews but we also come from the Gentiles.

Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour
I know for sure, all of my days are held in Your hands
Crafted into Your perfect plan
You gently call me, into Your presence
Guiding me by, Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord
To live all of my life through Your eyes
I'm captured by, Your Holy calling
Set me apart
I know You're drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord I pray
Take me, Mold me
Use me, Fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hands
Hold me, Guide me
Lead me, Walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand


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