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Matthew 5:23-24, and What does this means to all people?

Matthew 5:23-24!! What does this means to all people?

        Good Day Everyone!! This is an essay that pertains to the Beatitudes inside of Matthew 5th-7th Chapters.  I have selected two of the Bible verses just to place emphasis.  First, I want to say that this is not very easy for some people to apologize to another person, especially after you have done something wrong to that person.  For me personally, I want to inform all of you that my baby brother called me a homosexual because I am responsible for paying my other brother and a friend’s phone bill each month.  I understand that my brother called me out of my name without just cause.
        Next, I want to inform everyone that my brother was out of line for calling me out of my name.  I have confronted him about the problem, but he refuses to reconcile.  Therefore, I am praying for him each and every single day of the week.  I have family problems that only Jesus Christ and prayer can resolve.  I am the type of person that easily forgive everyone for doing something wrong to me.  When it comes to others forgiving me for hurting them, they refuse to talk to me anymore.

        Moreover, I want to inform everyone that this is my favorite Bible verse.  Romans 12:18 states that if it be possible as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.  I really like this Bible verse because I try my very best to comply with every promise and rule that is inside of the Bible.  I relate well with others as well.  I want to inform everyone that it is not easy trying to confer with others in the very last days.  This means that people will become lovers of themselves; rather than loving others.
        In Addition, I want to say that it is not very easy trying to converse with someone who is angry all of the time.  I will admit that I have broken promises, as well as hurt people in the past.  Currently, I want to inform everyone that I enjoy making peace with everyone.  It does not matter who you are personally.  I would rather make peace than war.  My mother told me before she died that if I do not have anything nice to say to say to the next person, keep your mouth shut.  I have been very quiet as of late. 
        Also, I want to inform everyone that I have made peace with all of my enemies.  My family members and I really do not get along with each other.  This is simply because I have a different father than my siblings.  I have been telling my brothers and sisters that I have a different father than they do.  I have been telling them this for years.  Recently, I have tried to make peace with my brother who is 6 years younger than me.  He refused to talk to me.  My sister does not talk to me anymore because I cut her hair when she was a little girl. 
        Further, I want to inform everyone that my baby brother does not talk to me anymore because he called me out of my name.  For the record, I am not a homosexual man.  I love women too much for my brother to say that to me.  To be perfectly frank, I want to inform all of you that my siblings resent me as a person.  My baby brother claimed that I did not do anything for him.  I raised him for the first 6 years of his life.  I do not understand why people resent others over petty things.
        Finally, I want to say that I am bringing this topic of discussion up because I am the type of person why does not have any resentments anymore.  I know that one of my girlfriends from the past, I will admit that I had a resentment towards her because she gave me a STD twice.  This is the truth because the first time took place on October 21, 1989 at 10:00PM.  I have contracted gonorrhea from her; due to having unprotected sex with her.  I also contracted gonorrhea inside of the mouth from performing oral sex on her. 
At that time, I did not know that she was suffering from pelvis inflammatory disease.  I reported her to the Health Department in my hometown.  Do any of you have any of these problems working out your problems with others?  Please forgive your enemies and love them.  I say that because holding resentments can lead to a problem with alcohol and recreation drugs.  I love all of you very much.  I pray that I can forgive everyone peaceably rather than forming resentments.  Please continue to pray for me because I have multiple health problems.


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