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1st Timothy 5:24 and What Does it means to all people?

1st Timothy 5:24 and what does it means to all people?

          This is an essay that has a whole lot to do with 1st Timothy 5:24: and what does it means to all people? 1st Timothy 5:24 says: Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow later.  This means that for some men, their sins are clearly apparent, and in another case, there are men who sins will be revealed to them later.  To be honest, God watches all things from heaven.  I will admit that I still have a very long way to go in my Christian walk. 

          Next, I will also admit that I have been clean and sober for a total of 29 years right now.  It is God that is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.  I have not been in trouble in a total of 7 years now.  I remember being probated for a crime that I did not commit.  I was remanded to the Dayton, Ohio Montgomery County Common Pleas Court for committing two counts of communications of threats.  I did not commit these crimes whatsoever.  I was requesting for prayer from Turner Road Baptist Church in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio.  I was subsequently placed on probation for three years.  The dates are as follows from February 28, 2012 to March 28, 2015.  I had to report to court every year for three years.

          Proverbs 17:9 says: He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separates very friends.  I am willing to renounce all of my transgressions to the Lord.  The Lord will always forgive me as long as I am faithful and just in all of my causes.  We all have personal sins in our lives that only God can only forgive us.  For instance, I have made a lot of mistakes in my personal life.  I have not used vulgarity in over a month right now.  I asked God to forgive me for using vulgarity; when I get angry.
          Further, Galatians 6:1 says: Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.  This means if a member of the church helps me resolve my transgressions in a peaceful manner; lest he himself be tempted.  My brother and I had to resolve our problem, particularly when he called me out of my name without cause.  I have forgiven my brother for calling me out of my name.  We apologized to each other because God intervened between the two of us.  A member of my church had to mediate between a friend of mine and me; whenever there was a disagreement about the Bible.

          Psalms 32:1 Says: Blessed is he whose transgressions is forgiven, who sin is covered.  Only God forgives transgressions and sins.  I am capable of forgiving others; whenever they have wronged me personally.  I have forgiven my brother recently for calling me out of my name.  I also forgiven my own cousin for beating me with a bicycle pole back on May 5, 1981.  I am the type of person who do not like to harbor resentments and aggression towards other people.  During the past five years, my life has changed for the better.
          For Example, I do not curse people out anymore.  I do not use social media as a means to severely criticize others, as I did in the past.  I have changed behaviorally as well.  I have given my life over to the care of God.  I feel a lot better because I have the Holy Spirit inside of me right now.

          Psalms 32:5 Says: I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid.  I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah. As long as I acknowledge all of my sins to God and His son Jesus Christ, He will forgive me of all of my sins.  1st Timothy 5:24 means to me that all of our sins are obvious to God.  Even though man’s sins are hidden from other men, but with God, everything is revealed to Him to whom we will have to give an account of everything inside of the body to God.


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