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What is the Difference between Grace vs Mercy?

What is the Difference between Grace Vs Mercy?

        This is a comparison and contrast essay that is based on the definition of two words.  The first word is grace and the second is mercy.  The definition of the word grace is good will or favor.  When it comes to grace, the Lord always shows us good will and favor when it comes to all of us.  Whereas, the definition of the word mercy is refraining from harming others.  It also means showing kind or compassionate treatment.  It also means the power to forgive.
        When it comes to the Lord God; He always shows everyone compassion and understanding towards us.  I remember when I was a high school student, I became truant and missed over half of the 1981-82 school year.
       The reason why I became truant was because I was involved in street gangs and I also smoked marijuana.  During that time, I had to appear in court for not attending school.  The Juvenile Court Judge stated to me in my face that anytime a person does not go to school, they are considered as crazy!
        Moreover, I want to inform everyone that I managed to change my ways by attending Job Corps in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  The Juvenile Court Judge gave me a second chance.  I will admit that I was a B+ to C average student in school.  I exceeded my expectations by graduating from the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio in 1993 and 1995 respectively.  It was not very easy, however, I did very well.       I want everyone to know that in spite of my pass mistakes,     God had never left me nor forsaken me.
Definition of God's Grace – How do theologians define it? "What is grace? In the New Testament grace means God’s love in action towards men who merited the opposite of love. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves. Grace means God sending His only Son to descend into hell on the cross so that we guilty ones might be reconciled to God and received into heaven. ‘(God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him’"
He was there every step of the way.  I will admit to making a lot of mistakes in high school from 1979 to 1983.  Therefore, I graduated from high school at the age of 20 years old.  I was one of the oldest high school students to receive a high school diploma at the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Dayton, Ohio.  My graduation class had over 300 students. 
        In Addition, I want to inform everyone that I am a 53 year old man who have a lot of common sense.  I am a person who has learned from all of my mistakes.  I want to be honest with everyone that God has shown me both grace and mercy during my 53 years of existence.
         I also want to give credit to Judge McCullough for giving me a second chance at life.  I want to thank her for being lenient but firm on me.  I have admitted guilt for the crimes that I have committed in the past.  I want to also thank countless of others for seeing the potential in me.  I want to thank everyone in the Charlotte, NC and Toledo, OH for helping me to shine when I need to.
        Further, I want to thank everyone at the University of Toledo for allowing me to enroll in college; in spite of my bad grades in high school.  I also want to thank everyone at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte for allowing me to work at the J Murray Atkins Library for 8 straight years.  I want to thank everyone that God have placed in my life because they have seen great potential in me.  It is God that is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.

        Finally, I want to say that grace and mercy goes hand in hand with me personally.  I thank Jesus Christ for being the Lord in my life right now.  I will admit that I have been baptized 9 times within the past 20 years.  I had dedicated my life to Jesus Christ on February 15, 2015.  I am very happy to be born again.  I owe it to my personal Savior Jesus Christ and many others for helping me along in my journey to success.  I want to say that Grace and Mercy is very serious when it comes to God.  I always take my life serious when it comes to God’s grace and mercy.

        In Conclusion, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for forgiving me for all of my sins.  I want to thank my mother, grandmothers, aunts, and uncles for being involved in my life as a role model.  I also want to thank all of my family members for bearing with me for all of these years.  I had put all of my family members through a whole lot of mess.  I also want to thank myself for learning how to forgive myself for all of my personal wrongs in my life.  Grace is the good will and favor that God has shown me in my life.  The mercy is the total forgiveness of all of my sins.  I am happy to be a member of the Lambs Book of Life.  Thank you for reading my essay.


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