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A House Divided Cannot Stand

A House Divided Cannot Stand

          A house that is divided will not stand.  What does this mean to you personally?  According to Matthew 12:25 says: But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them; every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.  This means that if there is no unity, then it is a problem.  For example, in a dysfunctional family, people rarely speak to each other.  I can understand that in a dysfunctional family, people do not relate well with one another. 
          In my family, my siblings and I do not get along with each other.  The reason why my family members do not get along with me is because I have done wrong.  My family members do not believe that I have changed for the better.  I cannot afford to live in sin.  This has a lot to do with the things that I have done to my family members individually.  An example of the things that I have done wrong to my family members individually is making promises that I did not keep.  I have made a complete mockery out of myself by affiliating with lewd women.  I had also contracted an STD 18 times within a 24 year period.  I remember on March 5, 1997, my sister and I got into an argument that lasted a total of 8 hours.  This is simply because I had contracted the scabies from having sex with a female prostitute.  I also had spent over a total of $100,000 dollars on sex with female prostitutes from June 22, 1986 until July 3, 2010. 

Further, my family members were shocked because I had spent money on pornographic magazines as well as having sex with female prostitutes.  In addition to the things that I had done to my family members, I had also spent money on alcohol from 1979-1990.  I used to go inside of a convenient store and purchase beer and wine without showing identification.  I started drinking beer at the age of 7.  Two years later, I started smoking marijuana at the age of 9.  Therefore, I was an alcoholic and an addict at an early age.  My family members were disappointed because I had to be sent home by the school nurse at Edison Elementary School in Dayton, Ohio because I smelled like alcohol during the time that school was in session.

          Moreover, I got involved with street gangs at an early age.  I started using knives and other weapons to defend myself at school.  I remember when I was in the third grade, I got hit in the head with a baseball bat over a bag of candy.  Prior to that, I got into a fist fight with a young man because I was kissing his sister.  His sister really liked me, and I will admit that I was in love with her.  I got into a fight with him by hitting him in the face with a roll of quarters.  I am not at the liberty of mentioning the names of the people that I had fought from 1972 until 1990.  This is simply because it would violate their confidentiality.

In Addition, I want to inform everyone that I used to be a very mischievous little boy growing up.  I remember in 1974, when I was nine years old, I had stolen my mother’s food stamps.  I went to the store and purchase candy.  At that time, I had come from a very dysfunctional family anyway, so therefore, I really wanted to live with my grandmother.  My grandmother took me to my mother’s house at the age of 9, and I had to live with her.  This is simply because I was a handful for my grandparents to deal with.  I guess you might as well say that I had rebelled at an early age.  The messed up part about everything is that I have a different father compared to my siblings. 
          Also, I want to inform all of you that if a house is divided, it cannot stand because there is no unity.  The foundation that keeps the house together is very unstable.  It will collapse.  I want to inform everyone that this is like working the 5th Step of Alcoholics Anonymous.  It is admitting to God, to myself, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs.  It is not very easy talking about the past, but in the AA/NA Fellowship, the past is our asset.  We learn from our past and be willing to share it with another alcoholic or addict.  The one thing that I really regret is cutting my sister’s hair when they were little.

 My sisters resented me for doing that.  I ended up cutting their hair with some scissors because they laughed and mocked me when I used to get my haircut at the barbershop.  My so called friends used to smack me on top of my head with some spit inside of their nasty hands.  I got into so many fist fights over the fact that I had gotten my hair cut that it was a crying shame.  I still have enemies out of the same people from my past.  Last year, I went to my mother and sister’s funeral and the family members cussed me out because I told them that my sister and mother saved my life.  I tried to kill myself back on Saturday February 13, 2010 by taking an entire bottle of phenobarbital and other medication because I got scammed out of $16,977 dollars in Western Union Funds to some people that lived in another country.  I was a victim of wire fraud.


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