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Why are Young People So Angry Today?

Why are Young People So Angry Today?

            I have one question to ask everyone.  Why are young people so angry today?  I want to inform all of you that anger is a universal emotion.  How we use our anger varies.  First of all, I would like to inform everyone that anger is also a learned behavior.  It is not easy trying to reason with someone who is angry all of the time.  To be honest, we really need our young people’s help.  A lot of people do not agree with me when I say that we need our young people’s help.  I really need young people today a whole lot more than ever before. 

            Next, I usually recite the Serenity Prayer before I do anything during my day.  When I see this child, I am looking a child who is upset at his parents or someone at school.  When it comes to dealing with our young people today, we have to learn how to listen to them.  Also, when I see a child with his fist balled up, that is very intimidating to adults or other peers.

  I would like to talk to him.  I was in this situation myself from May 25, 1972 to November 25, 1985.  This is simply because my stepfather was an alcoholic and he took all of his problems out on me and my brothers and sisters.  It did not make any sense for someone who is supposed to be a parent, and he is taking his rage and anger out on children.  This is the reason why I say that this is a learned behavior because if a child is observing violence for most of his or her life, there is a likelihood that he or she might act on what they see. 

This is a picture of a bear.  If a bear is in contact with human beings, they will attack you.  This is a very serious depiction of the behavior of young people today.  Some would say, it is the sign of the times.  I know for me, I have to pray a whole lot more for the Country that I live in. 
One statistic that is shocking is that 35% of the adult prison population is under the age of 30.  This is from the United States Department of Corrections 2017.  It is time for adults to please help our young people by becoming mentors for them.  We cannot become selfish and nasty towards our young people.  We cannot keep on acting like it will not happen to me.  It can happen to you.  Children are turning on their parents and their own peers every single day.
 This is not a sign of the times.  This is a fact!!  We have to pay attention to our children today and ask them important questions about school and their behavior.  Some children view their parents as their best friend.  Whenever a child has their parents as their friends, what do you think will happen?  Children will take advantage of their parents.  Please pray for our children because schools are making it very hard for each child to graduate from high school.  The requirements are getting very difficult.  I would like to admit that I graduated from high school three years late.
 The reason why is because I was a juvenile delinquent.  I started smoking marijuana from 1974 to 1990.  I started drinking beer and wine from 1972 to 1990.  I started drinking and smoking from hanging around my friends and gang peers.  I was involved in street gangs from 1979 to 1990.  I was hanging around the wrong people.  I did not have any business hanging around the wrong crowd; just to get accepted.  I changed my life from 1990 to the present.  I have been clean and sober for going on 28 years.  I graduated from the University of Toledo on June 12, 1993 and again on June 17, 1995.  My life has changed.  I am blogging for a living right now.  I love to write.  I love to use the computer every day of my life.


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