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What does it mean to have someone smoking at the table?

What does it mean to have someone smoking at the table?
          I have a very important question.  What does it mean to have someone smoking at the table, while you are eating?  It makes me mad because if I am eating my food and someone decides to smoke weed and cigarettes at the table, I will leave immediately.  Have any of you been in a situation and someone smokes while you are eating dinner or whatever?  How would you feel? 
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths.1
In 2016, more than 15 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (15.5%) currently* smoked cigarettes. This means an estimated 37.8 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes.2More than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.1
Current smoking has declined from 20.9% (nearly 21 of every 100 adults) in 2005 to 15.5% (more than 15 of every 100 adults) in 2016. The proportion of ever smokers who had quit increased; however, current smoking prevalence did not change significantly during 2015-2016.2

          Next, if a person, no matter who they are starts smoking, I will express a few choice words, and I will leave immediately.  I cannot really talk, I used to smoke cigarettes for 16 years.  I stopped smoking, while I was in jail.  It took me 8 months to stop smoking cigarettes and weed.  I know that I am a man who loves women and the things that they do.  It is that my main reason for writing this blog is simply because the people inside of my apartment building smoke weed and drink beer on a daily basis.  There is a person who smokes weed who lives below me.  His marijuana smoke rises to my apartment, while, I am sleeping or reading the Bible.

          Further, I want to inform all of you that there are at least 40% of the residents inside of my apartment building smoke weed and drink beer.  I do not know why, but addiction is a disease.  I understand that by all means, but please do not hurt or injure anyone else because of your addiction problems.  For instance, I had my window raised three days ago, and my neighbor started smoking weed and crack cocaine. 
I smelled it and I had to leave my own apartment and spray the hallway and my own apartment; even though I am not smoking.  I started drinking and smoking at an early age.  I did not let my problem affect other people because I went to the city park or a friend’s house and smoke and drink.

          Finally, the picture in front of you, used to be me all day every single day.  I have to try to avoid everyone who is smoking and drinking because it is not that I am a weak person.  It is that, the Bible tells you do not get drunk in excess with wine.  Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18.  If you see anyone doing this, what would you do?  I am a grateful recovering alcoholic and addict myself, but I am clean and sober thanks to the grace of God.  I take my recovery very seriously.  If I see anyone smoking and drinking in front of me, I will convince them to stop drinking and smoking and try to take this person to an AA Meeting.  They do not have to say anything, but listen to the stories.  Happy Easter and God Bless You All!! But now I am writing you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a verbal abuser, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. 1st Corinthians 5:11.

Faithfully Submitted,

Anthony Hopkins


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