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What does it mean to be a Child of God?

What does it mean to be a child of God?
Good Evening Everyone!! I would like to start off by asking everyone a question.  What does it mean to be a child of God?  A child of God is a person who is pleasant to be around, nice, respectful, helpful, courteous, kind, honest, truthful, friendly, and always eager to do things for his or her community.  According to Proverbs 15:1, it says that a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. 
Further, a child of God is a person who loves the environment and the people inside of it.  A child of God is a person who takes everything very seriously.  A child of God, dwells with other children of God, and together, they get things done.  Proverbs 14:30 says a heart of peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.  I am saying this because I am looking to God to supply all of my needs.  I stop expecting other people to meet my personal needs. 
God is a very good God.  I need to obey God’s instruction without rest.  Therefore, according to Genesis 22:14, it states that the Lord will provide.  Moreover, I want to tell everyone that in my personal life, I am responsible for hearing voices.  I hear God’s voice as well as the voice of the world.  God makes me lie down.  I am not a person who is confused about my religion.  It is that, I am trying to read His Word, and test all of the Spirits to see if they are from God. 

In Addition, I want to inform everyone that I am a person who is very truthful.  I am a person who is sincere, quiet, compassionate, intelligent, smart, kind, pleasant, and humble.  I am a person who is always seeking God’s Voice.  I am a person that seeks beauty in life because beauty inspires.  I want to let everyone know that God loves me in the same way I love others.  I need to surround myself with nature.  I need to get in touch with God first and foremost.  Please let the first 5 to 10 minutes be with God every single day.  I am a person who loves nature and God. 

Also, I used to be a person who is lonely, particularly when it comes from connecting with someone from the opposite sex.  I will admit that I have made a mistake dealing with psychics and mediums all of the time.  I really felt like a complete fool because according to Leviticus 19:31 says do not turn to mediums or Spiritism to be defiled by them, I am the Lord.  I have made a big mistake dealing with these people and believing in what they were saying to me.  I really feel much better right now because God is my Protector.  I am a person who used to dwell inside of the world so much that I have forsaken God, and therefore, I did not receive my blessings.  I will no longer forsake God!!  I trust in the dark valleys.

Finally, I do not have all of the answers, but God does.  I am going to let God be my defender.  My life has been filled with ups and downs during the past 20 years.  I have been suffering from depression and despair.  Even though, I graduated from college, and worked inside of the field of Social Work and Library Sciences.  I have worked in the Education profession as well.  I want to let everyone know that I am ready to do God’s Work.  I am a 52 year old man who is able and ready to do God’s Work.  My life has been messed up because I do not have my mother here with me as well as my sister whom I am close to.  I will admit that my faith in God is very strong right now because I literally believe that I am a Child of the Living God.  I am a work in process.  I am a person who believes in God.  I read His Word every single day of the week.  I am a person who is very meek as well.  May the Lord God Bless All of You!!

Faithfully Submitted,

Anthony Hopkins


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