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Values & Norms 
This is a blog on values and norms.  It is very important that we have values and norms in our daily lives.  It is extremely necessary that we have them because it provides structure, direction, consistency, as well as a basis for mankind to follow.  What are values?  A value is something that we believe in from the very beginning.  This is established just from being around our parents.  Our traditional beliefs such as maintaining life abundantly, as well as the importance of education are examples of values.  Values can also be religious based as well as it can pertain to the things that our parents were reared with.

 Values can also give us the guidelines and the basis for life because it keeps our behavior in check.  What are norms?  This is a very good question.  A norm is rule based.  This is simply because we as human beings will have to follow and obey the laws of society.  These norms are also pertaining to the Bible as well as the laws that mankind has established for us.  For instance, if a child does not attend school, it is the parents fault.  The child and parents are responsible for this behavior.  Accountability is very important because this is taking full responsibility for your own actions.  Admitting your role in your own situation and being truthful and frank about it is very important.
 If there are 10 Commandments inside of the Holy Bible, there are also laws that apply to mankind, so it is important for men, women, and children to adhere to these laws on a daily basis.  I am going to admit that I am a private citizen as well as one who complies with the law on a daily basis.  I am also one who adheres to the laws of the Bible on a daily basis.  This is also based on reading the Bible as well as performing deeds that God and Jesus Christ wants mankind to do.  This is simply by having unconditional love inside of your entire heart.  There are men, women, and children who do not adhere to the laws of both the Bible and mankind.  I pray for these individuals each and every day that these individuals would reform.  I am prayerful and truthful by saying that anyone can change, only if they give themselves a chance.

  Even when it pertains to the Criminal Justice System, it is very important that all criminals as well as those who are already incarcerated should be entitled to change.  Justice for the guilty comes from the courts by proving that those who are guilty be tried and convicted for all of their wrongs.  This is the truth in many cases of those who are fleeing from justice.  It does not make sense to run away from your problems.  You must face your fears as well as all of your problems head on.  If someone is afraid of justice, this means they are afraid of themselves as human beings as well as the devil that they are serving.

This is not a service of God for mankind to avoid their problems and put them behind.  This means that you are a person who has a real problem with yourselves.  I am not a person who is neither judging nor one who passes judgment towards others.  This is a call for all of those who continue to run away from their own problems to examine yourselves and get real.  Because sooner or later, God will call you on your stuff all by Himself!!!! 

Norms and Values go hand in hand in our society because it gives mankind the consistency that it needs as well as the equality that our society needs.  Humans and Society itself needs balance as well as equilibrium in order to survive and live in a changing environment.  This also means that men must respect women as well as women respect men and children.  This also means that we are supposed to learn to love one another and to talk to each other when it comes to specific problems that we have with each other.  I personally value peace, love, harmony, family, education, diversity, religion, as well as harmony in relationships.

 If there is no peace inside of families and relationships, then there is no love or equity within mankind itself.  Therefore, it is extremely important to release whatever garbage that one has inside of them constructively and positively.  This in fact can have an adverse affect on our values and beliefs system.  This can distort and disrupt our personal lives.  Never allow your values and norms to cause disruption in your personal lives as well as relationships with others.  Always become law abiding citizens for a change.

Anthony Hopkins
Dayton, Ohio


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