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How Come Children are Behaving Aggressively in 2018?

How Come Children are Behaving Aggressively in 2018?

Good Evening and God Bless You!! I would like to start off by asking a question.  How come children are behaving aggressively in 2018? An answer to that question is because children are not raised properly.  I would like to address everyone by saying that I did not have a good upbringing myself.  It is that my mother and father were separated because my father was already married to his wife, during the time he had conceived me.  I will admit that I did a lot of bad things as a juvenile.  I was responsible for breaking and entering inside of a church in Dayton, Ohio back in 1979.

 I had to clean up the entire church that I had broken into with my brothers and my friends.  I also used to drink beer and smoke marijuana as well.  As far as children in 2018 is concerned, they are behaving more aggressively by making threats to school teachers, principals, and their fellow classmates.  Children are bringing more guns to school right now, more than they did in 1985.  I was attending school during my senior year in 1985, and one of my closes friends got shot and killed over a $3.00 debt.  I am not able to mention his name because I can get sued in court.  I just know that my friend got shot in close range with a shotgun over a dice game inside of the Parkside Apartments in Dayton, Ohio.  I just know that my mother and siblings were living inside of Parkside Apartments when my friend got shot on April 30, 1985.

 The reason why I mention 1985 so much in my blogs is simply because it was a transition for me.  During that year on June 21, 1985, I committed a petty theft by stealing some sweat suits inside of a department store in Downtown Dayton, Ohio.  On that particular day, I was getting out of summer school at Belmont High School, and I met one of my friends and we decided to steal some clothes in order to make some money.  We were both arrested at 1:45PM, while trying to catch the #4Bus.  The police snatched me out of the bus and transported me to the Montgomery County Jail for 2 counts of Petty Theft.  I went to court and pleaded guilty because I was guilty.
  Next, as far as children are concerned in 2018, children are gaining access to social media and bringing their cell phones to school.  I really do not understand why children are doing aggressive behavior, but I can say is that it has a whole lot to do with bad parenting, and children are gaining access to weapons.  It is a shame because my siblings and I were responsible for raising ourselves.  We did not have access to weapons like these children are today.  I am saying that if both parents are inside of the home, therefore, our children will have a proper upbringing.  In my case, I had to rely on my great grandmother and my youngest grandmother helping to raise all of us.

  My grandmother took me to work with her because she knew that my Aunt and I did not get along with each other.  My Aunt waited until my mother died to tell me that she attended my own biological father’s funeral.  The death of my father really hurt me a lot.  I have not seen my own biological father in 46 years.  It really hurts me personally because I went over my father’s house 46 years ago.  To be perfectly honest, there are children who did not even see their father’s and I understand it a lot.  I can relate to all of these children today because I did not have a father in the household.  I had an abusive stepfather inside of my mother’s household.

 He really did not raise any of us because he was an alcoholic and he was aggressive.  I want to say this, I was afraid to go to my own mother’s house as a child because my stepfather was very, very, very, abusive. I will also admit that I slept inside of the empty garbage cans because my stepfather was a force to be reckon with.  You know why I can relate to these children today is because I feel their pain.  I was bullied in school for 9 years as well.  I went from elementary school to high school getting bullied by my school peers.  When I attended Roth High School in Dayton, Ohio; I was bullied for the first 2 years of high school.  I started fighting back against all of the bullies in high school because I learned how to box.  Although I used to get beat up in school, but I fought back.  The school bullies did not mess with me anymore because I fought with my hands.  I also will admit that I used to carry weapons myself at one point.  You know something, I feel these children’s pain today.

 I went through the same exact thing they are going through today.  I am not afraid to confer with these children because I understand where they are going through personally.  I have 43 nieces and nephews.  It is a shame why our children are behaving aggressively, but it is time to run to them instead of away from them.  It is time for everyone who is over the age of 21 to mentor to our young people instead of disrespecting them.  Thank You for reading my Blog!!

Faithfully Submitted,
Anthony Hopkins   


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