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Why our children and adults are acting up completely?

Good Afternoon and God Bless You! I would like to start things off by asking everyone a question. Why are children and adults acting up completely?  The answer to this question is because human behavior is learned.  For instance, children and adults are acting up completely because of the simple fact that; the world is coming to the end.  In the Bible, according to Mark the 13th Chapter says in the end of times that children will rise up against their parents.  It also says that brother will rise up against brother, and daughter against their mother. 

According to 2nd Timothy 3rd Chapter, this is called the last days.  This means that each person will behave according to their own desires.  The last days will be more than the things that are going on in the present.  Why children and adults are acting the way they are right now? It is simply because people are gaining access to weapons.  There are more weapons on the streets right now, than they were over 30 years ago.  Our city streets are filled with immorality, drugs, and violence.  To be perfectly honest with everyone, the world will come to an end by the hands of mankind.

A child’s mind has been inundated with images of social media.  Since the year 2000, social media has dominated the minds of our children.  An average Facebook user is between the ages of 13 to 35.  Therefore, our children are recording every single thing that goes on in their personal lives.  Children are even fighting each other on social media.  When it comes to adults, they are gaining access to weapons and drugs right now, more than ever before.  Adults who are 40 and under and engaging in risky behaviors.  For instance, adults are having sex before marriage and are incarcerated for committing violent crimes.  There are adults who are doing recreation drugs as well as committing crimes against children.

Next, it is not very easy living in a rapidly changing society.  People are doing all sorts of bad things with each other.  In the Bible, it is an abomination to be involved in a relationship with someone of the same sex.  It is a sin to commit crimes against children.  It does not make any sense why people are doing things that goes against the Bible.  A 2009 DOJ study showed that more than 60 percent of the children surveyed were exposed to violence within the past year either directly or indirectly.  Children’s exposure to violence, whether as victims or witnesses, is often associated with long-term physical, psychological, and emotional harm. Children exposed to violence are also at a higher risk of engaging in criminal behavior later in life and becoming part of a cycle of violence.

Moreover, I want to inform all of you that adults are supposed to become mentors to our children.  If an adult is committing crimes against the children that we are supposed to be teaching and mentoring, then I really do understand why children are doing the things that they are doing.  There are more crimes that are committed at school, more than it was since 1985.  For example, children are carrying guns and other weapons to school.  Adults are committing violent crimes against women right now more than before.  Crimes against women has went up tremendously since 1985. 

In Addition, I want to inform all of you that some children do not trust adults.  I can understand why our children feel the way they feel towards adults and other children.  During the 1970s and 1980s, I did not have access to a cell phone.  I did not use a cell phone until the early 2000s.  I will also admit that I felt very angry towards other children, who used to bully me all of the time. I was angry towards those who tormented me for 9 straight years.  I will admit that I was a juvenile delinquent as well.  I can understand why children feel that schools and other basic institutions are failing our children today.  I want to admit that I graduated from high school 3 years late.  The reason why is because I was smoking marijuana, skipping school, and committing nonviolent crimes.

Finally, I want to inform all of you that I smoked marijuana from 1974 to 1990.  I was solely responsible for feeling neglected by my parents.  I really did not trust people who were older than me. 
This is because I was hurt, cussed out, and beaten by my stepfather for 9 years.  My siblings and I did not trust each other, nor other adults because we felt angry all of the time.  I just wanted to be loved as a person by everyone, instead of being treated like an outcast.  Please keep me in your prayers.  Thank you for reading my blog.

Faithfully Submitted,

Anthony Hopkins


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