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Why are Children Bringing Weapons to School?

How Come Children are bringing guns to school?

Good Evening Everyone!! I have a very important question to ask everyone.  How come children are bringing guns to school?  The reason why children are bringing guns to school is simply because they need protection from bullies as well as other children who are preventing them from obtaining a good education.  I understand that school violence has went up 500% since 1985. 

Next, I want to inform all of you that I used to carry weapons to school myself because of the gangs who were in the Dayton, Ohio area from 1976 to 1986.  I also will admit that I had to use my weapon only a hand full of times.  I am not saying that I am not a thug.  I had to protect myself in school as well as inside of the neighborhood that I used to live in Dayton, Ohio.  I want to inform all of you that I used to be involved in street gangs in the Dayton, Ohio.  However, attending school was rough, and it is even rougher right now in 2018. 

Moreover, I want to tell everyone that children are showing their friends guns as well.  If a person is going to show another person their weapons, then they are asking for trouble.  School Violence is the most discussed conversation inside of school board meetings and at home.  My mother and stepfather used to ask me what I did at school every single day.  I was too scared to tell my mother and my stepfather that I ran home from school because school bullies used to beat the mess out of me.  My sister used to beat me up as well.

In Addition, I had to protect myself some way and somehow.  I am not saying that I am not a weak individual by all means.  I am only saying that I used to carry guns and knives to school because it was the thing to do; during the 1970s and 1980s.  However, I have managed to deal with others with my hands.  It is that right now, children are carrying guns to school every single day as we speak.  I have a total of 43 niece and nephews.  I would like for all of my family members to be safe at school or anywhere they go inside of their communities.
Also, I am a person who used to be involved in street gangs and carry weapons because I needed protection.  Do you know what I carry with me right now? I carry a Bible.  I would rather carry a Bible with me instead of a gun right now.  Inside of Matthew 26:52 says If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.  This means that if you use a weapon against someone, it is more than likely that someone will use a weapon against you.  I really understand why children are carrying weapons today.  It is for protection.  I want all of you to know that if you are a parent, please talk to your children about guns and violence.  It is a realistic thing for anyone to defend themselves.

Further, I would like to work with children like I did from 1993 to 1996 at Jerusalem Outreach Center in Toledo, Ohio.  I had an opportunity to work with children who were involved in street gangs in the Toledo, Ohio area.  I was responsible for sharing my story about drugs, gangs, and school violence.  A lot of people do not realize that Dayton, Ohio is a very rough city.  It is a very small town, but children are carrying guns to school as we speak.  I am happy that God has changed me for the better because carrying a gun or a knife would get you killed.  It is not worth it.

In Summary, I asked this question because children are getting killed inside of school more than at home.  According to the United States Department of Justice Statistics say that school violence has went up 500% since 1985.  To be honest, it is time for our adults to start talking and mentoring our troubled youths.  I have been mentoring my nieces and nephews because I have been in their situation at school myself.  To be honest, our Basic Institutions have made a quality of life very difficult for everyone that is in our public school systems worldwide.  Why do children carry guns to school is because they are scared of their fellow pupils.

In Conclusion, it is time for everyone to take school violence serious.  I am taking it serious because crime rates are rising everywhere because of social media, peer pressure, and family issues.  In my case, I went to school and I got beaten up by everyone.  I did not understand why it was a necessity for me to start carrying weapons to school until I start getting beaten up for 9 years inside of my neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio.  Attending the public schools were not any better from 1979 to 1986.  I had to carry weapons because my fellow peers were involved in gangs and acting the fool.  Even though, I was in NJROTC in high school, it did not stop me from possessing weapons in school.

  I am sharing my story because I want everyone to know that I was victimized inside of the public school system for over 9 years.  I got stabbed with an ice pick by someone who wanted my money and possessions.  This happen during the spring of 1976 inside of Edison School in Dayton, Ohio.  Attending school during those times made me scared and angry at the same time.  I had to suppress all of my angry feelings and handle myself like a man.  My mother told me that I was the man of the house when I was 8 years old.  I want everyone to please pray for our youth because they need role models out of every adult that they encounter.  Thanks for reading my blog.


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