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Telecommunication Safecracking

Telecommunications Safecracking

This is a report on a very important issue that affects millions around the world. This is called telecommunications safecracking. Let's start off by asking ourselves what is telecommunications safecracking? First, we need to start off by saying that telecommunications is not just the use of a telephone. This involves mobile radio and direct satellite systems. This also consists of PDA Systems, Blackberry Technology, as well as any cell phone or mobile device that has a microchip technology. With this microchip technology, it stores information and it also is used to transfer data into a specific source. Do you know that I-Pads and Laptop computers can also be used as a communications device? Computers can also be used to send text messages over the telephone. This is very important because this is another way of communication through the use of text messages and emails as well. A very long time ago, communications was delivered manually and with the words from our own mouths. 

It was also delivered through specific writings that were sacred and through means that was important to people. We also have to understand that long before man came into existence, God communicated with the world in a way that is sacred religiously. Adam and Eve communicated with each other and they were the first two people. However, due to the ultimate sin that was committed, God punished both of them, but they had children and the world was populated. I know that this is taking things off track a little bit, but it ties into the subject. 

Telecommunications are so sophisticated that it enables people to do so many things. We can also look at things online as well as send a fax message if possible. Online transactions can also be performed as well as sending things that are extremely important such as our pictures. 

We will now focus on safecracking. What is safecracking? Let's look at the entire history of safecracking to begin with. This is a very serious crime that involves equipment that is used to digest and receive codes. These codes consists of numbers that are translated through methods of clicks by the use of a device called a stet scope. This is a device that a doctor uses to listen to our heartbeats. This is also a device that also listens to activities inside of our arteries that is located inside of the neck. 

Next, we are going to put all of this together into a specific major topic. This is something that is really doing on through the uses of electronics. The reason why I am saying this is because I am a victim of it. My cell phone calls were illegally forwarded to an answering machine by a person that is unknown. This person who has committed this crime has done this to millions of people. 

Now, I am going to inform you that all of my recent phone calls has been blocked and illegally sent to an answering machine by people who are using wireless computers. There are people that are committing this crime by taking your phone number and sending it to another cell phone. This is also done by people who are taking phone numbers from phone booths and sending the number to their own cell phones as well. This is called telecommunications safecracking because people are getting their cell phones and landline phone numbers infiltrated by criminals each day. This is extremely dangerous!!!!! This has caused millions of people to become extremely angry and outraged worldwide. It has happened to me and it is happening to a whole lot of people and they do not know it. 


First, call the phone company itself and request for all of your records. Second, make sure that all police reports are filed against all individuals involved and this includes those who you were affiliated with in the past. This also includes those telemarketers who call and request for information from you. Third, this also includes scammers and those who are involved in information technology. Make sure that you are able to manually pick up all of your records from the phone company themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 

Criminals that are responsible 

Information Technology Specialist that are involved in law enforcement as well as those who are in Library Information Systems is also criminals themselves. This also includes those individuals who work for telecommunication companies that are doing things illegally just to scam and hurt others. There are many people who are crooked cops that are involved in this sort of issue. These people as well as all corrupt officials need to be apprehended. There are members of elite street enterprises that are involved in this sort of crime. This is the truth!!!!!!!!!! These people have a tendency to remove and erase data that is extremely important because they are covering up their crimes. Covering up their crimes for what reason, this is because they do not care about others. 

These individuals are emotionally suppressed and emotionally numb!!!! 

This is simply because they really enjoy invading into the private lives of others. Members of the Information Technology Staff at major colleges and universities are also involved. This also includes those who are children who have access to computers, whose parents work in the field of education. If you are in college, please be extremely careful about who you are giving your information to. Please also be very careful while you are online to preserve your integrity and privacy. You are the most important person in the world. It is you who have to be extremely careful. You even have to be careful when it comes to your email, phone number, letters, as well as anything that belongs to you account-wise. 

Sim Card Technology 

A Sim Card is supposed to be the brain of a cell phone. This is a device that stores information as well as it also sends messages to communication towers. My information has been illegally intercepted and sent to wireless computers and it has also been sent to mainframe systems. This device is formally called a transmitter that is inside of a landline telephone. There is a very small grey colored device or a yellow colored device that is located inside of any phone. Telecommunication Companies are responsible for transmitting this information and sending this to communication towers as well as satellites for processing. To be frank, technology has been so advanced that anyone can also intercept your information from any computer through random selection. Telecommunication workers are responsible for trying to ensure the safety of others by not violating confidentiality as well as privacy of its citizens. 

Illegal Wiretapping is something that takes place when a victim's number has been illegally obtained and is used by others. This is done through methods of hacking and this is why we call this safecracking. Safecracking is done through illegal entry of bank safes. This is when a person who has experience in dealing with locksmith technology. A locksmith is someone who would have experience in something like this. Remember illegal entry of telecommunications devices is illegal and it happens on a daily basis. 

A Sim Card can also be used as a tracking device by criminals. Your own Sim Card on your cell phone can be used through methods by GPS Technology and Satellite illegally. This is very dangerous because telecommunications company employees that are working and engaging in illegal activity perform these tasks. The Federal Government as well as members of law enforcement is also responsible for tracking their victims and suspects on a daily basis. 

The defendants who had illegally had gained access to my information and my phone number have used it by downloading my information from my phone into a private mainframe system for their own methods of processing. This means that these defendants are connected to law enforcement in some way. I will have to find out officially. This is the truth because my phone calls I did not receive for the past few weeks from very important people. My privacy and confidentiality has been violated and legal action will be taken against those who are responsible. 

I know that because I am monitored each day while I am online at the library, on the bus, as well as anyplace where there are cameras. These cameras are supposed to survey activity but it can also be used illegally by criminals. These criminals are responsible for feeding into the direct current of phone lines by supplying an alternating current and this is a method of intercepting phone messages through illegal wiretapping. This is also done through a direct wire feeding system by alleged criminals through methods of infiltrating a facility and this happens on a daily basis. If you do not believe me, have your entire facility checked out systematically each month. I hope this is something that will assist you in a way that will enable all of you to protect yourselves better. Thank you and God Bless!! 


Anthony Hopkins 

Dayton, Ohio


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