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Friends with Benefits

Good Afternoon Everyone!! I would like to start this blog off by asking a question.  What is the definition of the term Friends with Benefits?  Friends with benefits is when a person is trying to exploit or gain the advantage of another or others.  I know because this has happened to me personally.  I have been in relationships with women, and the only thing they are trying to obtain from me is money and a place to stay.  I begin to realize that right now, some women are looking for a sugar daddy.  A sugar daddy is one who gives freely to his mate in order to keep her satisfied.  For example, money is usually exchanged when it comes to a relationship of this magnitude.

Next, the term friends with benefits consists of paying bills for the next person without receiving anything in return.  It also has a whole lot to do with trying to gain the upper hand over another person.  The benefits on the other hand, are usually an even exchange.  For instance, some men usually would like to receive sex as a method of payment.  I know because I was gullible like that in the past.  I only wanted sex as a payment for an even exchange of resources.  Another example, is during the time, I was a student in college, and I used to pay for sex from female prostitutes and other women.  I ended up spending a total of over $100,000 dollars within a 24 year period.

Further, I am not saying that I am a very weak person, but I was living inside of the world and indulging in worldly passions and desires.  Even though, I was successful as far as employment is concerned.  I wanted what I wanted, and in most cases, I acquired it very quickly.  Romans 12:2 says do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  I know that if I had continued to live inside of the world, I would not have any success whatsoever.

Moreover, in Matthew 5:28 says He whosoever looks at a woman to lust, had already committed adultery in his heart.  I guess I was thriving in lustful passions and desires.  Friends with Benefits has a lot to do with gaining an advantage financially over another.  It is that, men and women are looking for some sort of exchange in some sort of way.  Leviticus 25:17 says do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am The Lord.  This means that God knows exactly what you are in need of long before you ask Him.  This is for all of us.  2nd Thessalonians 3:10 says if a man does not work, he shall not eat.

In Addition, I want to inform everyone that in Proverbs 15:3 says the eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.  If anyone on earth do not believe that God is not watching them, then you are wrong.  Friends with Benefits hurts the poor a whole lot more than the rich.  This is simply because if a man can barely take care of himself, what good is he for another? I want to say this, but some women are classifying themselves as High Maintenance.  This means that a man is supposed to get a woman’s hair done, pay all of her bills, and perhaps her children.

Also, I would like to add when it comes to the term Friends with Benefits, this is a form of submission to man or woman themselves.  In the Bible, it states that a person should love God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind.  This is the greatest commandment.  The second is just like it;, love your neighbor as yourself.  Friends with Benefits is when one person completely yields to another.  You are giving up some or all of your resources.  Therefore, it deprives a person to the point of depletion.

In Conclusion, I am simply saying that you have to think before you act.  Everyone have to really consider the consequences and the repercussions to giving to another in 2018 terms.  When it comes to myself, I will seriously ponder about all of my decisions in advance.  I will have to allow God to enter into my heart and guide me throughout my life.  Jeremiah 33:3 says call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know.  Friends with Benefits is only a metaphor.  A metaphor is an implied comparison.  Friends with Benefits with God is a good thing, but with mankind and the world, it leads to destruction.  If a man or woman tell you that I am a friend who wants benefits, tell them that you will pray for them. Thank you for reading my blog.


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