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Sex Before Marriage Vs Traditional Marriage

Sex Before Marriage Vs Traditional Marriage

Good Evening Everyone!! My name is Anthony and I am writing about a very serious topic.  This is called Sex before Marriage vs Traditional Marriage.  Let’s start off by asking a question. What is very important to all of you? To me, I really think that a traditional marriage is sufficient for me.  I know that in the Holy Bible, it states in Genesis 2:24 a man shall leave his mother and father and the two shall become one flesh.  How does that sound to everyone? Could someone please tell me whether sex before marriage is accurate?  Is this really politically correct? I really do not know.
Next, allow me to please break this completely down for everyone.  God does not permit men, women and children to have sex before marriage.  In the Holy Bible this is called sexual immorality.  According to 1st Corinthians 6:18 we are supposed to flee from fornication.  I am not saying that I am a saint.  I have had my share of relationships that were one night stands.  It is that during the past few years, I have changed for the better because I do not look at pornography and purchase sex from female prostitutes. 
Moreover, I want to inform all of you that I have selected this as a topic because it is very important to get to know a person before anyone considers marriage.  I know that our society has changed a whole lot during the past 20 years.  According to the Advocates for Youth, 62% of High School Seniors had sex before graduating from high school.  These are current statistics in the year 2017.  I know for me, I did not have sexual intercourse until I was 21 years old.  My friends on the other hand, were having sex all of the time.  I have decided to wait simply because I was afraid of contracting AIDS.
Further, I want to inform all of you that most marriages do not really last 5 to 10 years in duration.  This is simply because young people, who marry early in life, do not last for the entire duration.  The reason why because men and women have an entirely different perspective in life.  I know that I have a lot of work to do myself. 
However, I have said that I can do bad all by myself.  It is that I have had 2 serious relationships.  The first one lasting 9 months.  This is simply because my significant other told me to my face that she did not love me.  She also gave me a STD on 2 occasions.  I contracted gonorrhea on October 21, 1989.  I called the Montgomery County Health Department, and I have filed a report on her for giving me a disease.  It is a shame because she denied it.  The second time was on August 15, 1990.  I went to the Montgomery County Health Department to receive a checkup.  It was confirmed that I had gonorrhea inside of my mouth.  This is simply because I was responsible for performing oral sex on my wife.  I did not know that she had pelvis inflammatory Disease. 
Also, my second relationship lasted 8 years.  This is simply because I worked and took care of the home.  I want to inform everyone that my second relationship was really good.  Even though, my girlfriend and I had our ups and downs during our relationship.  It was my fault that we are not together.  This is because I was looking at some pornography on her computer and I crashed it.  I had to buy her a whole new computer.  I want to inform all of you that we did not get married because I had bad credit and a mental illness.  I am also guilty of getting into trouble by committing crimes such as theft by deception on 2 occasions and mail fraud.  I want to inform all of you that my ex-girlfriend is a very good person.  I am the one that messed up completely.
In Addition, I want to inform all of you that there are a lot of people in the United States who are living together and having sex before marriage.  I have a blog called traditional marriage and cohabitation.  I say this because I was one of those men who have lived with women and I did not get married.  I had one marriage, but I cannot call it a marriage because I left the house after 9 months.  The entire relationship was a big flop.  I will admit that we had sex at least 4 times per day for the first few months of our relationship. 

Finally, I want to ask everyone a personal question.  If you are involved in a relationship with someone, can you really trust them? If you have children by someone, are you satisfied with your relationship? Will you eventually get married?  Ask yourself this question.  What are some good things that you can say about your spouse or significant other?  When was the last time that you have prayed together as a couple? These are some questions that men and women need to ask each other before marriage.  Are you content with yourself as a person? When it comes to a relationship, there are those who enter into it with bad expectations.  I want to inform all of you that I have dealt with harlots for the past 24 years.  I have not had sex in almost 8 years.  I am celibate by choice.  I feel that God has someone for me. 

In Conclusion, in the United States, divorce is at an all-time high.  This is simply because marriages are being broken up over petty issues.  For example, irreconcilable differences as well as couples are having different interests.  I want to inform all of you that if a couple is married, they are in it until death do you part.  If you are cohabitating, I would suggest marriage counseling.  This is because there are a lot of things that people usually do not share until you are with a counselor or pastor.  It is very important that each person understand the other.  I know that this is not the type of blog that I will not receive any positive feedback or any feedback at all.  I want to inform all of you that I have published numerous of blogs, and I have not received any feedback.  I hope and pray that I receive comments because it is very important that each person is heard and respected.  


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