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Showing posts from May, 2024

Describe one simple thing that brings me joy to my life

Describe one simple thing I do that brings joy to my life.  A simple thing that brings me joy to my life is going to the library and church each week.   I also read the Bible each day of the week and pray very often for each person who lives on Planet Earth.   Lord Jesus, please, enable me to wake up on Sunday Morning to attend Church at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church located in Dayton, Ohio.   Lord Jesus, I am very concerned about my entire family Members and Friends.   Dear Lord Jesus, please, help me to become more honest and truthful with everyone on Planet Earth.   Lord Jesus, I am very grateful to use the computer to type all of my essays and blogs that are pertaining to my Personal Relationship with God.   I want to inform all of you that my love for Jesus Christ gives me the wisdom and motivation for me to inform everyone that I truly love Jesus Christ.  I also love traveling to anywhere of my personal ...

A Deep Thinker

Skip to content 7 Unusual Traits Of A Deep Thinker • Alecia Bennett • Personality We all think, but not like the way a deep thinker thinks. We all think, but we don’t know if we  overthink  or if we are deep thinkers. A deep thinker possesses many unusual traits which everyone doesn’t have, out of which below are 7 unusual ones which easily can diagnose if you are a deep thinker or not, or anyone around you is. Here are 7 Traits of Deep Thinker 1. Knowledgeable A Deep thinker is usually intelligent because they are always gaining knowledge from their surroundings. They are believed to have uniquely-intelligent minds. A deep thinker’s mind is always curious, has questions, and never rests till they find the answers that satisfy their urge to know more. They can also be a great teacher or a philosopher because of the treasure of knowledge and intelligence they have. So you know where to go when you have problems in your life and the planets are not giving you any relief! A deep ...

Yesterday's Courtroom Verdict

My Personal Viewpoints Regarding the Courtroom Verdict!   Good Day Everyone!!  How are all of you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I want to inform all of you that I am in complete shock regarding yesterday’s Court Verdict.  There are times when a person has to weigh their options and decisions.  I know that if I were the Former President, I would have plead guilty to a lesser charge.   Even though the evidence was too strong on him, however, he has a right to appeal the sentenced.  I want to inform all of you that everyone has a right to a total of 6 appeals throughout the process.  Frankly, a person cannot get away from God.    I know that God is watching all of us.  God only want His Children to listen and obey Him.  Proverbs 15:3 says: The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.    According to Isaiah 59:2 specifically states that our sins have separated us from God.  The...

Physics and Science Quiz Results

You Passed You got an A+! You're pretty smart! You still remember the ins and outs of physics. Color me impressed.

Do I practice religion?

Do I practice religion?  I read the Bible each day and pray to God each day.  I really need to start attending church on a regular basis.   I like to be around Christ-like people on a daily basis.   My family members are very sincere and respectful to me.   My family members attend church on a regular basis and they pray to God and they perform Christ-like duties towards mankind.   I love all of my family members and friends.  God Loves Me and You.  God wants everyone to do right by Him.  I really love all of God’s Creation Forever.   I have a lot of respect for children and their parents.   Adults are supposed to love everyone.   Parents are supposed to teach their children how to have respect for God.   Children are the future!  Children are the people who will become leaders of society.   Jesus Christ is my personal Savior.   The Bible is the Sword of the ...

A James 5:16 Moment

A James 5:16 Moment by Anthony Joseph Hopkins         Good Day Everyone!!  How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I want to inform all of you that I am having a very good day today.  I woke up this morning and prayed.  I want to say that I still need all of your prayers because I have to publish my other manuscript.  On this particular day today, I really need your prayers because I have been sick for most of this year.          Next, I want to inform all of you that I need some advice and suggestions regarding Book Publishing.  I would like for all of you to please review all of my information during the past few years.  I would like for all of you to please review my information and see if there is anything worthy of Book Publishing.  I would like for all of you to read my information to determined if my writing is worthy of publishing.  I want to inform all o...

What are you good at?

What am I good at?  I am excellent when it comes to using computers.   I am an excellent writer.  I am also good at helping other people.   I am good at writing essays and blogs.   I am very good at dealing with animals.   I am an excellent organizer.  I am an excellent library book shelver.  I am very good at using a cash register.   I am also good at controlling my angry feelings.   I am very good at listening to other people.   I am really good at dealing with children.   I am an excellent communicator.  I am good at reading books and doing my homework on a regular basis.   What am I good at?  I am excellent when it comes to telling the truth about myself and other situations that are occurring in my life right now.   I pray every single day to my Personal Savior Jesus Christ.   I am very patient.   I am very understanding when it comes...

Steps Ordered by God

Steps ordered by God         Is it true that our steps are ordered by God?  This is a very good question.  The reason why I am asking this question is simply because I am curious.  The following Bible verses will be discussed: Jeremiah 10:23, Proverbs 20:24, Job 34:21, and Job 31:4.  First, I would like to emphasize that God does order our steps.  According to Jeremiah 10:23 says O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.  This means that it is a Power that is greater than ourselves that is actually helping us.  Second, in the Book of Proverbs in the 20 th  Chapter and the 24 th  verse which states that man’s goings are of the Lord, how can a man understand his own way?  This Bible verse is a little bit different.  A man’s goings are the steps that are ordered by God.  How can a man understand his own way?  This is a very good ...

What is Your Spirituality?

Spiritual leaders have existed since the beginning of time. These are the people who convey the ways of the universe and larger forces than ourselves. They were story tellers, magic casters, philosophers and many others. In this spiritual test, we will try to understand what kind of spiritual leader you would have made, and what it may say about you. The Shaman Shamans were revered and sought after for their council. They held a position which was honored and appreciated among their people. You may find that you embody these traits in your life and work. The Shaman finds they attract others who are seeking guidance and support, without even offering it. As a Shaman, people may be drawn to you without explanation as to why. Because you channel this ancient energy, others are drawn to it, seeking your wisdom and council. Share your results with friends to learn more about them! Share Result   

Is There Anything In Life Attainable?

What Does Having it all mean to me?  It is attainable? Matthew 19:26 says with man  it is impossible.   With God All things are possible.   Yes, anything can be attainable.   I thank God for all things.  Having it all means that I will always be content with all things.  Having it all means that I have everything that I need in my life.   If you have all the things that you want, you cannot take it with you wherever you die or leave the Earth permanently.   This is biblical because it says that you cannot carry anything out.  If I had it all, including the money that I need to pay for anything I want.  I still cannot take it with me.   I will have to pass all of my accessories on to someone who I am able to trust with my possessions.   Anything in life can be attainable with the help from Jesus Christ 🙏.   Life is really what you are making of it. Learning how to become honest,...

Caffeine Effects

SKIP TO CONTENT Health Ad WELLNESS NUTRITION What Are the Effects of Caffeine? By   Isabel Vasquez RD LDN     Published on September 21, 2023   Medically reviewed by   Kayla Girgen, RD FRESHSPLASH / GETTY IMAGES About 75% of adults in the United States drink coffee, which is widely known for its caffeine content. 1  Yet, coffee isn’t the only source of naturally occurring caffeine. Caffeine is also found naturally in some tea leaves, kola nuts used in colas, and cacao pods used to make chocolate products. Energy drinks are also high in synthetic forms of caffeine. 2 Consuming caffeine can boost your energy levels and enhance your cognition in the short term, but it can also lead to restlessness, anxiety, and dependency when consumed in excess. What Is Caffeine? Caffeine is a bitter-tasting stimulant substance found naturally in over 60 plants including  coffee  beans, tea leaves, kola nuts, and cacao pods. It can also be made synthetically. The sy...

Learned Behavior

What Is A Difference Between A Lesson and Something that We are Learning? First, I want to inform you that a lesson is something that we tend to learn from; for instance, personal experience!!  Something that we learn from has a lot to do with the things that acquire knowledge from especially from being in school or we can be around our own family members.   Second, I want to mention that we learn from living inside from our own environment.  According to Psychologist, human behavior is learned.  This is the true because in my case, I have learned from my family members as well as other people. Third, I would like to inform all of you that each day of the week, we are learning new things from our environment.  There are times that we learn from the things that we personally are connected with.   For Example, my social media accounts.  I learn from the information that is collected from my email accounts.   Fourth, I am feeling good about myse...