Open in app This member-only story is on us. Upgrade to access all of Medium. Member-only story XOXO 7 Deadly Relationship Sins to Avoid at All Costs These behaviors can ruin an otherwise healthy partnership · Published in Listen Share More Photo: Strauss/Curtis/Getty Images R eal talk: Humans mess up, and regardless of whatever spiritual faith or religious tradition you adhere to (or don’t), some behaviors are almost universally understood as more intense in their severity. You may have heard of the “seven deadly sins” as part of the Christian tradition — the cardinal sins are considered more serious infractions than other wrongdoings. According to tradition, lust, gluttony, pride, sloth, greed, wrath, and envy are the main “sins.” I thought it might be interesting to apply them to intimate partnerships. When you think about it, these things can be severely detrimental to the overall success of our partnerships, and if we’re not careful, they can ruin the other...