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Showing posts from May, 2021

A James 5:16 Moment by Anthony Joseph Hopkins

  A James 5:16 Moment by Anthony Joseph Hopkins         Good Day Everyone!!  How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I want to inform all of you that I am having a very good day today.  I woke up this morning and prayed.  I want to say that I still need all of your prayers because I have to publish my other manuscript.  On this particular day today, I really need your prayers because I have been sick for most of this year.          Next, I want to inform all of you that I need some advice and suggestions regarding Book Publishing.  I would like for all of you to please review all of my information during the past few years.  I would like for all of you to please review my information and see if there is anything worthy of Book Publishing.  I would like for all of you to read my information to determined if my writing is worthy of publishing.  I want ...

Steps ordered by God!!!!

  Steps ordered by God           Is it true that our steps are ordered by God?   This is a very good question.   The reason why I am asking this question is simply because I am curious.   The following Bible verses will be discussed: Jeremiah 10:23, Proverbs 20:24, Job 34:21, and Job 31:4.   First, I would like to emphasize that God does order our steps.   According to Jeremiah 10:23 says O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.   This means that it is a Power that is greater than ourselves that is actually helping us.   Second, in the Book of Proverbs in the 20 th Chapter and the 24 th verse which states that man’s goings are of the Lord, how can a man understand his own way?   This Bible verse is a little bit different.   A man’s goings are the steps that are ordered by God.   How can a man understand his own way? ...

Matthew 6:8: And What It Means to all People!!!!!!

  Matthew 6:8: And How it Relates to All People!!!           Matthew 6:8 and how it relates to all people consists of the things that God knows about in advance when it pertains to mankind.   God even knows exactly how long we are going to live in advance.   God knows the things that I need long before I ask Him.   The reason why is because His Spirit is inside of us.   The Holy Spirit is our Helper!!   Anyway, I want to inform all of you that we are dependent on God to stay alive.   The Lord knows our thoughts as well.   According to Psalms 94:11, the Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are futile.   God even knows me from the inside out.   God knew me long before I was born.   Jeremiah 1:5 says before I formed you inside of the womb, I knew you before you were born, I sanctified you and ordained you as a Prophet to the Nations.         I ...

What is Forgiveness Part #2

  What is Forgiveness Part 2 By Anthony Joseph Hopkins May 8, 2021           Forgiveness Part #2 is simply about asking a very important question.   How many times shall I forgive my brother?   The answer is 70*7 = 490 times.   I will admit that I have to work on this issue myself.   This is simply because people has been cussing me out as of late.   I know that I have to forgive each person 490 times.     This is the truth.   I know that it is very hard for me to forgive each person 490 times.   I know that each person must forgive me a total of 490 times.   I have had one of my AA Sponsee cuss me out to my face.   I did not say or do anything to him personally. I have learned to become humble as of late.   I have more respect for other people’s feelings.   I am a sinner that needs grace and mercy. Next, I want to say that I have put up with a lot of crazy stuff f...

What is the Definition of the word Forgiveness?

  What is the definition of the word Forgiveness? By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins May 7, 2021           What is the definition of the word forgiveness?   Forgiveness means the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.   The Biblical Definition of the word forgiveness means: Psychologists generally  define forgiveness  as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your  forgiveness . ...  Forgiveness  does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean condoning or excusing offenses.   Forgiveness  doesn't mean forgetting. Rather,  forgiveness  means letting go of the pain the incident is causing us. We  forgive  to give ourselves peace of mind, and in hopes that one day someone will return the favor if we ever offend them.     ...